Principal's Update
Dear PBL Junior High Families and Students,
The next 8th grade dance meeting will be held at 5:30pm on Tuesday, April 8th, in the PBL Junior High Library. The parents of the Class of 2029 are sponsoring the 8th grade dance. If you are interested in assisting with the dance preparations, there is still time to volunteer, and all are welcome. The 8th grade dance is scheduled for Saturday, May 10th, from 7:00pm to 9:30pm in the PBL Junior High School Commons Area. The theme for the dance is "Island Luau." More information is provided below:
This event is a wonderful occasion for all of our students, especially our 8th graders, as they conclude their junior high years. While we recognize this as an important function, we aim to avoid making it resemble a high school prom (i.e., limousines, students leaving school early to prepare, etc.).
With the theme being "Island Luau," students are encouraged to dress casually or formally for the dance. The school dress code will be enforced. For girls, all dresses must have straps and be appropriate for a school environment. For boys, we request that they dress neatly and avoid pants with excessive holes. This guidance is provided to assist families with their planning.
We will have a DJ, concessions for sale, game rooms, and games on the playground blacktop area behind the school. Photo opportunities are being arranged for the event, where students can take formal, informal, or fun pictures. Many exciting ideas are being planned for the dance, ensuring there will be something for everyone.
This dance is for our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Students are not permitted to bring guests from other schools. 8th grade students will receive an invitation and have free admission. 6th and 7th grade dance tickets/admission will be sold in advance at the school for $5 during lunch periods, starting on Monday, April 7th. Students who pay in advance will have their names highlighted on a list for admission. Tickets/admission can be purchased at the door by 6th and 7th grade students for $7. We encourage students to purchase the advance tickets for $5 during lunch periods, beginning on April 7th.
The 8th grade parents have decided to hold a raffle at the 8th grade dance this year to raise additional funds for the Class of 2029. We are seeking donations of unique baskets or experiences. For example, Mr. Didier and Mrs. Flynn will donate a "Lunch with the Principals" certificate, and the Junior High Main Office will donate a "Candy Overload" basket. If you would like to donate a basket or experience, please sign up on the 8th Grade Dance Items Donation List and items can be dropped off in the main office between now and Friday, May 2nd. You can also contact Tina Teske at (815-530-9020) or Kyla DeOrnellas at (217-202-4115) if you have any questions.
We are currently requesting voluntary donations for the 8th grade dance. The Class of 2029 has created a sign-up list for needed items: 8th Grade Dance Items Donation List. If you would like to make a voluntary donation, you can purchase the needed items and drop them off at the junior high main office between now and Friday, May 2nd. The group is also accepting cash or check donations to purchase needed items for the dance. Cash or check donations can also be dropped off at the junior high main office. Checks should be made payable to the Class of 2029. The Class of 2029 is also seeking assistance with supervising and working areas at the dance. Parents can sign up to help using the following link: 8th Grade Dance Volunteer Sign Up. Any assistance you can provide to the parents organizing the 8th grade dance is greatly appreciated.
Have a good day, and please let us know if you have any questions.
Yours in Education,
Josh Didier, Principal
PBL Junior High School