PBL schools use a variety of assessments, both formative and summative, in order to determine student mastery of skills and concepts as well as to drive instruction. Clara Peterson students take the NWEA (MAP) assessment 3 times per year. Students at PBL JH take the MAP test 3 times per year as well. PBL HS utilizes MAP testing, but only tests 2 times per year, fall and spring. PBL High School students take a variety of assessments throughout their career including the SAT assessment suite, AP exams etc.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
PBL High School SAT Information
For more information about the SAT assessment suite please visit the SAT website at:
One benefit of the SAT is their partnership with KHAN academy to provide FREE 24-7 access to test prep activities. See the website below for more information.
2023-2024 Assessment Dates
NWEA MAP Testing (Grades K-11)
MAP testing is a district required assessment that is used to track student progress over time. The data is used to drive instruction, identify students for differentiated services and in some cases is used to measure student growth for the purpose of teacher & administrator evaluation.
The approximate testing time for students is 1 hour per test session, (math & ELA) 2 total hours.
Fall Test Window: August 21-September 8, 2023
Winter Test Window: January 8-January 26, 2024
Spring Test Window: April 29-May 17, 2024
KIDS (Kindergarten Individual Development Survey)
Fall observation & evidence collection: First 40 days of student attendance
PSAT (Grade 9)
PSAT is a State assessment requirement
Digital test window: March 18-April 26, 2024
PSAT 10 (Grade 10)
PSAT 10 is a State assessment requirement
Digital test window: March 18-April 26, 2024
SAT (Grade 11)
SAT is a State required assessment
Digital test window: March 18-April 26, 2024
Illinois Assessment for Readiness (Grades 3-8 English/Language Arts & Math)
IAR is a state required assessment
Test Window: March 4-April 19, 2024
Illinois Science Assessment (Grades 5, 8, & 11)
ISA is a state required assessment
Test Window: March 1-April 30, 2024
DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps-Alternate Assessment Grades 3-11 Math & ELA)
DLM is a State required assessment
Test Window: March 13-May 8, 2024
ACCESS for ELLs ( ACCESS for English Language Learners Grades K-12)
ACCESS is a state required assessment
Test Window:January 17-March 5, 2024
Advanced Placement Testing (AP)
AP English Literature and Composition Exam, open to juniors in AP English 302, used to potentially earn college credit with a score of 3 or higher.
Approximate testing time is 3 hours 30 minutes
Test Window: TBD
AP Calculus Exam, open to seniors in AP/Dual Credit Calculus, used to potentially earn college credit with a score of 3 or higher
Approximate testing time is 3 hours 30 minutes
Test window: TBD
AP English Language and Composition Exam, open to seniors in AP/Dual Credit English 402, used to potentially earn college credit with a score of 3 or higher
Approximate testing time is 3 hours 30 minutes
Test window: TBD
AP Chemistry, open to seniors in AP/Dual Credit English 402, used to potentially earn college credit with a score of 3 or higher
Approximate testing time is 3 hours 30 minutes
Test window: TBD