Illinois Math Learning Standards
By emphasizing depth over breadth, the Illinois Learning Standards ensure that students have comprehensive understanding of key concepts. PBL schools have incorporated elements of the new learning standards into our curricula. The Illinois Learning Standards determine what educators should teach, not how they should teach. Teachers will continue to have the freedom to tailor lesson plans to the individual needs of their students. The higher standards and emphasis on applying knowledge to real world situations will better prepare Illinois students for the challenges facing them after high school graduation. Access the Math standards here
PBL has implemented a math series that is aligned to the more rigorous standards. PBL students in grades K-8 are taught an integrated math curriculum known as math in-Focus. Math in Focus provides an authentic Singapore math curriculum—highlighting problem solving as the focus of mathematical learning. This complete program teaches concepts using a concrete–pictorial–abstract learning progression to anchor learning in real-world, hands-on experiences, supported by seamless integration of technology with the use of eBooks, Interactive Whiteboard activities, online student activities, online manipulatives, and a bar modeling app. Math in Focus in the classroom supports the goals of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Research-based pedagogy, focuses on classroom learning, discussion, and practice, & balances conceptual understanding, visual learning, and problem solving.
Parent Resources
There are online parent resources available! Parent logins and passwords are distributed at the beginning of each school year. Please ask your child’s math teacher if you did not get, or misplaced your information, they’ll be happy to assist you in getting access to the online resources.
You can find K-6 in Focus resources here
Access 7-8 resources here
PBL High School College Preparatory Mathematics
Here are some highlights of the CPM program:
Designated an EXEMPLARY MATHEMATICS PROGRAM by the US Department of Education
New Illinois State Learning Standards aligned
Textbook & support materials available online
Funded professional development workshops for teachers
Math practices are integrated into each lesson
Students explore, develop, and connect concepts with prior learning, adopt formal vocabulary and conventions, and then practice applying this understanding throughout the rest of the course
Course materials are based on 25 years of reports and studies that verify the effectiveness of the program