Grade Level/Subject Area/Early Entry Acceleration

PBL has recently adopted new policies and procedures surrounding whole grade level and subject area acceleration, as well as early entrance to Kindergarten and First Grade.  The documents below explain the processes and procedures.

PBL Acceleration Process Flow Chart

PBL Acceleration Guidebook

Parent Resources

Is Acceleration right for my child?

General Information about Acceleration

Accelerate Illinois Report

Gifted Education @ PBL

PBL unit #10 is proud to  employ  the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model (SCGM) for gifted services at PBL Junior High.

In the SCGM, all gifted children at each grade level are clustered together into an otherwise mixed-ability classroom with a designated gifted-cluster teacher.  Gifted-cluster teachers provide individualized instruction or extended and accelerated learning opportunities as determined by the needs of the student.  Gifted-cluster teachers receive specialized, on-going training in the areas of gifted education and differentiated instruction—special teaching strategies for modifying curriculum content, pace, process, products, and learning environment to meet individual gifted students’ needs. This training prepares the teachers with an understanding of how gifted children learn and gives them the tools they need to provide appropriate teaching strategies for their gifted students.  The school principal and the district’s gifted coordinator serve as resources and support to the gifted-cluster teachers.

In order to be screened to receive gifted services, students will be evaluated on a number of factors including MAP test scores, state test scores, classroom performance, and teacher/parent recommendation.

Students who pass the initial screener, and who have parental permission, will be given an ability test (CogAT) to assess their reasoning, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning skills.  Student’s who qualify based on those test results will receive gifted services at PBL Junior High.

Please click the links below for guides and sample items for the CogAT assessment

Resource for families seeking early entrance to school

Kindergarten Practice Activities-Non Verbal

Student Sample

Kindergarten Practice Activities-Quantitative

Student Sample

Kindergarten Practice Activities-Verbal

Student Sample

Resources for families who have students participating in gifted education screening

Grade 2 Practice-Non-Verbal

Student Sample

Grade 2 Practice -Quantitative

Student Sample

Grade 2 Practice-Verbal

Student Sample

Grade 3 Practice-Non-Verbal

Student Sample

Grade 3 Practice-Quantitative

Student Sample

Grade 3 Practice-Verbal

Student Sample

Grade 4 Practice-Non-Verbal

Student Sample

Grade 4 Practice-Quantitative

Student Sample

Grade 4 Practice-Verbal

Student Sample

Grade 5 Practice-Non-Verbal

Student Sample

Grade 5 Practice-Quantitative

Student Sample

Grade 5 Practice-Verbal

Student Sample

Wondering if your child might be gifted?  Take a look at this checklist.

Want more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the websites below for additional teacher & parent information regarding gifted education.

The Gifted Guru

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

National Association of Gifted Children

MENSA for Kids