Thank to all of our PBL Principals! We appreciate all you do for our community, staff, and students!
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
Principal Week
Just a reminder that due to parent-teacher conferences, we will dismiss early tomorrow and Thursday. Dismissal times on both days are Clara Peterson - 1:30, PBL HS - 1:40, and PBL JH - 1:47. Also, please be aware that there is no school Friday due to fall break.
over 1 year ago, Travis Duley
Just a reminder that all students must have complete health documentation turned in by Monday or they will be excluded from school until that documentation is turned in.
over 1 year ago, Travis Duley
Please see the link below for a complete list of required health documents by grade level. All items must be turned into your childs school office by October 15th.
over 1 year ago, Travis Duley
Here is message from PBL Choir Director, Mr. Lerch: The High School choir has entered a contest through the WHMS radio station for a local high school choir to sing with the band Foreigner during their final song of the night, "I wanna know what love is". It is a contest where the school with the most votes wins. Here is the link: All voting is done through Facebook. I have asked the station and they couldn't give a date that the voting ends, so if we could get as many people's votes as soon as possible, that would be great!
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
Clara Peterson Elementary and First Student bus service would like to recognize Zanyah Smith and Anna See for exemplary behavior and good citizenship on the bus during the month of September! Great job!
over 1 year ago, Melinda Busby
9/27 Bus Good Conduct
We encourage everyone to wear BLUE on Monday, October 2, 2023 in support of World Bullying Prevention Day.
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
bullying prevention day
The Down Syndrome Awareness Walk will take place today from 12:00pm-2:00pm at PBL High School in the Back Parking Lot. This event is open to any and all parents, students, staff, community members, and more to attend. At 1:00pm there will be one ceremonial lap (1/4 mile) completed around the track. All are encouraged to wear blue & yellow to show their support.
over 1 year ago, Josh Didier
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
Sending this info early so families can plan ahead. Due to parent-teacher conferences, we will dismiss early on October 18th & 19th. Dismissal times on both days will be the same as our early dismissal Tuesdays. Clara Peterson - 1:30, PBL HS - 1:40, and PBL JH - 1:47.
over 1 year ago, Travis Duley
As we continue to educate parents and students on the dangers of children and teens vaping, it's important to understand how we can help children who may already be addicted to vaping. Here are some different websites to explore how to help children & teens who may need help.
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
The PBL School District encourages every student to attend each day of school throughout the school year. We think it's also important to educate families on the difference between "truancy" and "chronic absences." Truancy only counts a student unexcused absences, while chronic absences counts all excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions. A student is considered to be a chronic absentee when they miss 17.5 or more days in the entire school year.--
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
Did you know that as many as one in three students in the country misses 10%, or about 18 days, of the school year? Being in school supports students’ social, emotional and physical well-being, and provides students with opportunities to learn and reach for their dreams. Let’s show up together and get back into the habit of daily attendance!
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
The Down Syndrome Awareness Walk will take place at PBL High School in the Back Parking Lot on Sunday, September 24th from 12:00pm-2:00pm. This event is open to any and all parents, students, staff, community members, and more to attend. At 1:00pm we will all walk one ceremonial lap (1/4 mile) around the track.
over 1 year ago, Josh Didier
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
You can play a significant role in protecting your child from the dangers of vaping and nicotine dependence. Maintain an open line of communication with your child, and use the tips and suggestions provided in the link below as a framework for having a productive conversation.
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
Please see the link below for a complete list of required health documents by grade level. All items must be turned into your childs school office by October 15th.
over 1 year ago, Travis Duley
Every day counts at PBL Schools! Did you know that 50% of the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school. Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow, Panthers!
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
Attendance Stat
National Substitute Appreciation Week is September 4th-8th. PBL would like to thank all of our substitutes and we are grateful for your help. If you have any interest in becoming a certified teacher substitute please contact our unit office at 217-379-3314.
over 1 year ago, Josh Didier
National Substitute Appreciation Week
This afternoon routes 1 & 4 will be combined. Due to this, students on these routes may be about 15 minutes later than usual getting home. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
over 1 year ago, Travis Duley
Did you know, across the nation 1 in 5 high school students have reported vaping in the last month? Like many schools throughout the country, PBL School District is seeing an influx of vaping and e-cigarette devices in our schools. As a part of our proactive approach to address this ongoing issue, we are sharing information and statistics related to this issue in hopes we can partner together to address this harmful behavior and promote healthy habits. Please view the infographic for information in regards to vaping. If you are interested in learning more, here is a resource that gives tips to help parents/guardians talk to the child about vaping: American Lung Association Website-
over 1 year ago, Taylor Flynn
This week we had our first Navigator meeting of the school year. Navigators is our mentoring and induction program. We take time each month to Support, Empower, and Celebrate each other! It's always a great day to be a Panther!
over 1 year ago, Josh Didier
Navigators - August 2023