This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. We want to say THANK YOU to all of our teachers here at PBL. If you are a parent, student or community member and want to give a teacher or staff member a shoutout, please use the links below!
Clara Peterson Staff Shoutout: https://forms.gle/nuynuEakweontDdMA
PBL Junior High School Staff Shoutout: https://forms.gle/bkfg3MYbjtRTLi7d8
PBL High School Staff Shoutout: https://forms.gle/CRcTi13eF22nKW9y9

Teacher Appreciation Week is almost here! We can't wait to celebrate our teachers!

Wednesday, April 26 was Administrative Professionals Day! The PBL School District is lucky to have the best secretarial staff around. We want to thank all of our secretaries at each building for all they do to help our district office and our schools run smoothly! Pictured are just a handful of our amazing ladies that greet our guests as they enter our buildings. The Elementary School thanks Cherin Whittaker and Alice Houtzel. The Junior High School thanks Kerry Wise and Kadie Van Note. The High School thanks Jill Schrodt, Laura Perez, and Cecile Ratcliff. The Unit Office thanks Amy Teske, Lynnette Rudin, and Jessica Sinn.

Today is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. We want to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of our School Bus Drivers that transport our students to and from school safely each day. Your service to our families is appreciated! Thank you for all you do for our district!

Congratulations to our high school math team, which placed 7th overall at the ICTM state competition.

Teacher Appreciation Week is almost here! Let's celebrate our teachers May 8th-May 12th for all they do for our students each day.

This afternoon bus routes 1 & 4 will be combined and bus routes 3 & 5 will be combined. This could cause students on these routes to arrive home 15-20 minutes later than normal. Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding.

The PBL Greenhouse is officially open! Hours of operation: Monday-Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Only cash & check payments will be accepted.

Just like yesterday, due to a continued driver shortage, some afternoon routes will be combined. This could cause students on these routes to arrive home 15-20 minutes later than normal. Sorry for the delay. Thank you again for your cooperation and understanding. Anyone interested in helping with this situation, please contact Rich Ferriman at (217)673-7036.

Due to a continued driver shortage, bus routes 1 & 4 and bus routes 5 & 3 will be combined. This could cause students on these routes to arrive home 15-20 minutes later than normal. If you are interested in driving a school bus, please contact Rich Ferriman at (217)673-7036.

Good Morning Panthers,
Please click on the link below to view the PBL Education Foundation's Spring Newsletter.

We invite you to the PBL High School Library Open House on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 from 3:30-5:00. Community members are invited to tour they newly renovated PBL High School Library! We hope to see you there.

Due to the forecasted weather that begins later this afternoon and continues throughout the evening, PBL is cancelling all afternoon practices and events. This includes rescheduling tonight's performance of You're A Good Man Charlie Brown, which will now occur at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday and 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. The Saturday performance will begin with the Junior High Musical Showcase Concert.

A great day was had by all who attended the Future Educator’s Conference! From staff presenting to students attending! We are thrilled to have a group of students interested in the field of education and staff who are passionate about developing young educational leaders! Thank you Parkland College and Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education #9 for putting on a great event for our students!

You are invited to celebrate the retirement of PBL Superintendent, Cliff McClure on Friday, April 28, 2023. The celebration of Mr. McClure will be held from 3:00-7:00 PM in the Pueblo Lindo Banquet Center, 615 North Railroad Avenue in Paxton.

We finished out a great week at PBL celebrating our School Social Workers for National School Social Work Week. Thank you to all of our social workers for all they do for our kids each day! Clara Peterson Julia Bleich and Erin Graham. Junior high school Kris Schuler and high school Lauryl McKenry.

The high school choir spring concert is being held Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the high school gym. Please join us for a night of music by your high school choir students.

Due to the forecasted heavy snow later this afternoon, PBL will dismiss early today. Clara Peterson will dismiss at 1:30, the high school at 1:40, and the junior high school at 1:47. Also, all evening activities and practices for today will be cancelled.

The PBL Substitute Seminar is Tuesday, February 28th at 6:00PM in the Clara Peterson Elementary School Commons. We will be providing child care & refreshments to all that attend. Please bring your driver's license and social security card. We hope to see you there!

The focus for our district Social Emotional Learning this week is "Emotions and our Brain." This week the students will be learning about the connection between their emotions and the brain. The infographic discusses how understanding how the brain works can help students understand stress better, become more resilient, and interpret and regulate their emotions.