Please click on the link below to read the important information from PBL CUSD #10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/17X83NbKFBs-b_MPU1-nTnWXONTI1cMCV/view?usp=sharing
Thank you

Food pickup will be back to normal hours (1:00-3:00pm) on Monday, November 9. Please follow the link below for more information about the FREE meal program.

Good Afternoon, Please click on the link to read the important information from PBL CUSD #10.
Thank you

ISBE has released the School Report Cards for the 19-20 school year. You can find the district & school building reports by visiting the site & searching for your school. You can also find this info on the PBL website under the curriculum tab.

Good Morning Panthers,
This is a reminder that there is no school tomorrow for a staff institute and no school on Tuesday, Election Day.
Thank you!

Food pickup will be from 10:00am-1:00pm on Monday, November 2. Hours will be different this week due to the E-Learning Day on Monday.
Please click on the link below for more information or to sign up.

PBL School Board will hold a hearing to hear public comment about E-Learning Days. E-Learning Days may be utilized in lieu of Emergency Days (snow days). If approved, the E-Learning plan would be good for three school years. Please see links below for the notice of hearing and parent letter.

Please click on the links below to read important information from PBL CUSD #10.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link to read the important information from PBL.
Thank you

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link to read the important information from PBL.
Thank you

Please follow the link below to access more information on PBL's FREE Food Pickup Program for next week (October 26-October 30).

Weekly reminder to complete a form for lunch pickup next week (October 19-October 23). Please follow the link for more information.

Please read the following information regarding student health compliance.
PBL school nurses have been making additional courtesy phone calls to parents of students who do not have up to date health immunizations and physicals on record at their school's main office. During these phone calls, the nurses also explained that students without these records on file will be excluded from all school educational services and activities. Tuesday, school districts received notification from the Illinois State Board of Education that they have changed their position on the conditions of this requirement. Beginning on October 16th, any student receiving in-person instruction who does not have their required Health Immunizations or Physicals on file will be transitioned to full Remote Learning until these school code requirements are met.
Please be advised that until all physical and immunizations requirements are met in-person students will not be able to attend in-person instruction or services and will not be eligible for extra-curricular activities. Remote learners out of compliance will not be eligible for extra-curricular activities and high school remote learners will not be able to take tests on campus until they submit these documents. All students will still be eligible for school food service during this time. Please contact your school nurse or building administrator for further information and any questions you may have.
The Paxton Buckley Loda School District will partner with any family that needs to temporarily transition to full remote learning until these requirements are met so that we can provide the continuity of education for our students.

Good Evening Panthers,
I have received additional information late this afternoon. Please click on the link to read the important notification. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vb8EkKqGUQYzCIz2jD-SWqE5DxmTJeEm/view?usp=sharing

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link for an important message from PBL CUSD #10.

Weekly food pickup will be NEXT Tuesday (10/13) because of no school on Monday (Columbus Day). Please follow the link below to sign-up for meals next week:

Good afternoon Panthers - Please click on the link to read the important message from PBL CUSD #10.
Thank you

I have provided a link to the Fall PBL Newsletter. I also wanted to notify you of an important calendar change. There will be no school, remote or in-person, on Monday, November 2.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link to read the important message from PBL.

Please click on the link below for more information regarding next week's food pickup.