Beginning this morning, all high school students will enter through the main doors of the high school. See you in a bit. One small step at a time to get back to "normal."

Good evening,
Please see the District website for information about the PBL App and notifications. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bSd9LobwVprlDsCgmFcPKRPBVprUIzH/view?usp=sharing
Thank you.

Good Afternoon,
Please read the COVID 19 update by clicking on the link below.

Please click on the link below to read the COVID 19 update.

Good morning Panthers,
Check out the link below for more information about PBL´s free food program. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Robbins at the junior high (217-379-9202). Have a great weekend.

Good evening,
Please see the update regarding today's incident at the high school.

Please click on the link to read the important notice regarding an incident at the high school today.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read the COVID 19 update.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read the COVID 19 update.

Good Morning Panthers,
I have three items to share with you this morning.
Please complete the survey regarding support services at your child's school. Participation in this survey will help us plan future services.
High School
Junior High
Clara Peterson
Please read the link below for information on Post-Vaccination Guidance.
PBL's contract bus service, First Student, is hiring new drivers. Please see below if interested in applying.
First Student is looking for individuals who are good with children and safety conscious.
Starting pay is $17.00 per hour with a guarantee of 20 hours per week.
If it sounds like something you would be interested in apply at firststudentcareers.com.
Some benefits available and a added benefit of being able to have your own children on the bus with you.
Any questions contact Richard Ferriman at 217-673-7063 or 217-530-9198 .
Have a great weekend Panthers!

Good morning Panthers,
Below is the link to sign up for PBL's weekly FREE food program. Please make sure to contact Melissa Robbins (217-379-9202) if you have any questions.

Happy Friday Panthers,
Food pick up will be back to normal operations on Monday, April 12. Please contact Melissa Robbins (217-379-9202) if you have any questions.

Good Morning Panthers,
There will be a COVID19 clinic for 16 and 17 year olds who live in or attend school in Ford County. Please see below for the details to schedule an appointment.
Pfizer Vaccine Clinic:
Monday April 19th: 6:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (2nd dose will be given on Monday, May 10th and you must be available for both dates).
Appointment Required: Call 217-784-2734 to schedule (leave message if no answer).
Clinic is open to 16-17 year old Ford County Residents or attend a Ford County school.
The consent must be signed by the guardian. Guardian can come with child the day of appointment or can make arrangements to get consent form prior and the student can bring consent with them.

Good evening Panthers,
We hope everyone has enjoyed their Spring Break so far. A reminder that food pick up will resume on Tuesday, April 6. Please follow the link below for more information.
Enjoy the last few days of break!

Due to PBL's spring break from March 29-April 5, there will not be food pick up next week. The food pick up program will resume on Tuesday, April 6.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read the COVID19 update.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to see the COVID19 update.
You may click on the link below to view the 21-22 PBL School Calendar. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luJbgg8828eHLApq08q-AuFKyHHkyspg/view?usp=sharing

Happy Friday Panthers!
Use the link below for more information about PBL's FREE food pickup program. Please contact Melissa Robbins (217-379-9202) if you have any questions.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Ford County Soil & Water Conservation District is hosting an Electronic Recycling event on April 24. Please click on the link for details.

Happy Friday Panthers!
See the link below for more information on PBL's FREE food program. Please contact Melissa Robbins at 217-379-9202 if you have any questions.