PBL congratulates Alumni Mark Frichtl who is a co-founder of Ouster, a technology company specializing in optics. Mark will be at the New York Stock Exchange today to take part in the tradition of Ringing the Opening Bell. Mark's company goes public and will begin trading on the exchange today. #smalltownbigdreams #GOPANTHERS

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read about COVID19 procedural changes at PBL.
Thank you

Just wanting to provide some clarification about the quarantine period for anybody that is considered a close contact. As a school, we have used a 14-day quarantine period all year. Depending on the county you reside in, this may differ from what your local health department communicates to you. The reason we have continued to use a 14-day quarantine is that if we allow a student to return after 10 days, then the public health requirements for days 11-14 are not practical or possible in a school setting. Also, please realize that a 14-day quarantine means the student stays at home for 14 days and then returns to school on the 15th day. Hopefully, this makes sense. If there are questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Duley at the high school office.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link to read the COVID19 update.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read the COVID19 update.
Thank you

Please click on the link below to read the COVID19 update.
Thank you

Good afternoon Panthers,
Please use the link below to sign up for next week's food pickup. Remember this is a FREE food program that remote learning families can utilize during the 2020-2021 school year.

Food pickup will be Monday, March 1 from 1:00-3:00pm. Follow the link below for more information. Please contact Melissa Robbins (217-379-9202) if you have any questions.

Dear PBL Parent,
This is a reminder to participate in the parent survey supplement, part of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey administration. We guarantee that survey responses will never be connected to the identity of you or your child. School reports will only present aggregated information of how parents and students responded as a whole.
A parent survey report will be generated if at least 20 percent of parents respond to the survey. While the parent data will not be made public, the parent report will be made available to your school administrator and the superintendent and will enable them to make considerations based on the responses given by PBL parents. Your participation in the parent survey will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide improvement. Again, your identity and individual survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.
Teachers and 4th through 12th graders throughout Illinois are taking the teacher and student 5Essentials Survey. School-level 5Essentials Reports will be generated if teachers and/or students meet their 50 percent response-rate thresholds. These research-based reports will be sent to schools and districts in March and will also be included in the State School Report Card, released statewide in the fall.
Please visit https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ to take the parent survey.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact 5Essentials Customer Support at 1-866-440-1874 or impact-surveys@uchicago.edu.
Thank you!!

Food pickup will return back to the normal schedule next week. The link below will provide more information about the FREE food program. Please contact Melissa Robbins (217-379-9202) if you have any questions.

Dear Panther Families,
PBL is planning a Remote Learning Day for PBL Junior and Senior High on Friday, February 26 and for Clara Peterson Elementary and Panther Academy on Friday, March 5. Many district employees will be receiving their second dose of the Covid19 vaccination the day before these Remote Learning Days, I appreciate your understanding and support for PBL. Building administrators and teachers will be providing more direction for students and families for these Remote Learning days in the coming days. Transportation will run as normal on both of these days.
I reported yesterday that two elementary students were approached by two strangers in a van. These two elementary students took appropriate action and reported this incident to their parents. Fortunately, after further investigation, it was not a credible threat.

Good Morning,
Bus 4 will be about 10 -15 minutes late today.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read the COVID19 update.
This afternoon two students from Clara Peterson were approached by two young males in a silver van or suv. The two males asked them questions and the two students ignored them, immediately went home and reported the incident to their parents and the school. Please contact the school or Paxton PD with any information you may have. Also, please remind your children about interacting with strangers.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read the COVID19 update.

Good Morning,
Buses will likely be running a few minutes late today.

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Please click on the link below to read the COVID19 update.

All games are canceled for today, Tuesday February 16th. This includes the HS boys basketball game, JH boys basketball game, and JH volleyball game. Additionally, all practices are canceled for today.

Due to projected inclement weather, food pickup will be moved from Tuesday, February 16 to Wednesday, February 17. If you have any questions, please email Nathan Lawler (nlawler@pblpanthers.org).

Good Snowy Afternoon Panthers,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 16, due to low wind chills, predicted snowfall, and blowing snow, PBL school facilities will be closed and students will attend via remote learning. Student participation is expected on remote learning days. Building administrators will follow up with more information for each grade center. Students and staff should pay close attention to school email later today and tomorrow.
Stay Safe and Warm Panthers

Good morning Panthers,
Food pickup will be next Tuesday, February 16 from 1:00-3:00pm. This is due to no school on Monday, February 15 for the observance of President's Day. Please contact Melissa Robbins at 217-379-9202 if you have any questions.