Good Afternoon Panthers! Please click on the link to read important end of the school year information. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1drWaoFmSRXbZ8Qn_ay2PU3KtUnxv795G/view?usp=sharing

Good Afternoon Panthers, The junior high is out of meals for pick up. Clara Peterson still have meals available. Please pick up at Clara Peterson. Thank You

Good Afternoon Panthers,
Tomorrow, Friday, April 24 is a Remote Learning Planning Day for PBL staff. All PBL students do not have school or remote learning tomorrow. Enjoy the day Panthers!

PBL food service for the week will be available for pickup/delivery tomorrow from 11-1. See you there.

Please click on the link for an update on the extension of the statewide school closure. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-gZQkLOp4LxeHQpm9uiQSHz1keLvOvQF/view?usp=sharing

One last reminder that paper packets can be turned in from 8:00-4:00 today in the box in front of the high school. Please make sure the students name and teachers name are written on each paper.

Attention PBL Parents: We need your help! Now that remote learning is well underway we are asking you to complete a follow-up survey to get your feedback to help us plan and adjust.
Clara Pete Survey
JH Survey
HS Survey

If you are working off of paper packets for your remote learning, there’s turn in boxes outside of the main doors to the high school today and tomorrow. Make sure your name & the teachers name is on each paper.

Food service update: The JH has passed out all of the supply at our location. If you signed up and haven't picked up please go to Clara Peterson to get your food. If you can't get to CP please contact the JH office and we will arrange to get it to you. 379-9202 Thanks!

Good morning Panthers! Don't forget, food service pick-up/delivery begins at 11am. Delivery/pick-up is only on Mondays from 11-1 moving forward.

Happy Easter Panthers! Don’t forget food pickup/delivery will take place tomorrow for the week. 11am to 1 pm. See you tomorrow 💙💛

There will be a box outside of the main doors of the high school on Thursday, April 16 & Friday, April 17 for students to turn in any completed paper packets. This drop off is only for those that have requested paper copies; all other students should continue to turn in assignments online per your teachers instructions. Please make sure your name is on the top of all the papers and if possible the teacher’s name also.

Good Morning Panthers. I wanted to remind you that there is no remote learning today/no school for a staff planning day. Students and staff have tomorrow off as well for spring break. I hope all of you have a great weekend!

PBL Families-Please see the updated food service information

Hey Panthers-Just a reminder that there is no student attendance Thursday for a staff planning day, and no school Friday for spring break. Remote learning starts back up on Monday. Work hard today & tomorrow and then enjoy the long weekend!

If you were in 3rd quarter Drivers Ed or were scheduled for 4th quarter Drivers Ed make sure to check your school email later today for information from Mr. Schonauer on how we will complete the classroom portion of this class.

I wanted to remind everyone that students are not expected to participate in remote learning instruction or produce work on Remote Planning Days. These days are as follows: 4/3(today), 4/9, and 4/24. Also, next Friday, 4/10 staff and students have the day off for spring break.

Good Afternoon Panthers - I have linked important information on PBL Remote Learning Guidance and a revised school calendar. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1erj1K68f2sZnF_hNhm5PqxLJ7wyrNQ_3?usp=sharing

Good afternoon, I wanted to remind everyone that PBL students do not have school tomorrow, 4/3. Students will not have school as well on 4/9-10. Food Service will operate on M and W next week and beginning Monday, 4/13 food pickup will be on Mondays only for the week.

A message to our Panther Family. We miss you guys!