I'm sending out updated information to families regarding the school closure. I will continue to provide information as I receive it. Click on link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fzNxDf6zykUkhM0CJuVNIGZLrUbUIGwS/view?usp=sharing

Please see below for updated food service information. To help us avoid waste, please contact your school office if you signed up for meals and no longer wish to participate. Thanks!

Reminder-PBL food service delivery/pickup tomorrow, Monday 3-23 from 9-11. See you there.

PBL Families,
Governor Pritzker announced today that the statewide school closure has been extended to Wednesday, April 8, 2020. Food service will continue as planned Monday & Wednesday next week. PBL officials will monitor guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education and send updates as they become available. Stay healthy Panthers!

Just because we are away from each other doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun and show some spirit. Check out this document and show your spirit as you work from home next week. This is for all students and families K-12. #pantherpride

PBL Meal pickup is underway. Don’t forget to pick up your meals! 9-11am

I have linked a great guide to social distancing: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tX5_l9wwimC4_JB_ukscXrHxS6ofrGhw/view?usp=sharing

Don't forget that food pickup will be available Thursday, 3-19 at the designated locations from 9-11am. If you have not signed up, you may do so at anytime by visiting the PBL website. You only need to sign up once to get all meals while schools are closed. www.pblunit10.com

Food and volunteers are here. It’s not too late, you can sign up anytime. This is a free service to ALL PBL students.

PBL Families, please make sure you read the important information regarding food service during the school closure and continue to monitor e-mail, as well as the PBL app, website, and social media for updates. #@news_gazette #@wcia3 #@ROESchoolWorks

Food Service information for PBL students during closure:

Important Announcement -PBL

Please see important updated information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l7zFnDiRAUXKaKkraLvRyfbhkq5Yq07n/view?usp=sharing

Governor Pritzker has announced that all schools will be out of session beginning Tuesday, 3-17 returning Monday, 3-30, 2020. PBL will send home information on Monday, 3-16 detailing the plans for the closure. Monday, 3-16 is a full attendance day for both staff and students

Important update from PBL Schools regarding Coronavirus. See link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ht5SxmO-sHW6MKfDUxN9p59g5crB4VHU/view?usp=sharing

Please be advised that the school calendar has been changed. No student attendance this Friday 3/13. See the link below for details. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1asepHNd0cioEua4RJ0Z6tF5W0X-JidUg/view?usp=sharing

Please see link for ways we are keeping schools healthy. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YvXcBW5Znndy0Qo5GDQis9DSr91bYsQA/view?usp=sharing

It’s Rube Goldberg time in Mr. Johnson’s 8th grade science class.

Congratulations Panthers!! Great Job PBL Cheer and Blue Crew!