A huge thank you to Cherin Whitaker, Kerry Wise and Laura Perez. You three are some of the best secretaries we could ask for. You take charge every day to make sure that our school district runs smoothly. Happy Administrative Professionals' Day!
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Secretary Appreciation
Tomorrow is Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Let's give a big shoutout to all our amazing bus drivers for keeping our wheels turning smoothly! You're the superheroes of our school routes. Don't forget to show some love and thank your awesome bus drivers!
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Bus Driver Appreciation
Good afternoon Panther families. Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday, April 26. When we return on Monday, April 29 there are only 18 student attendance days remaining so take the upcoming long weekend to recharge and get ready for a strong finish to the school year.
11 months ago, Travis Duley
Starting Monday, April 22nd, bus routes 3 and 5 will be combined until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes for those who ride these routes.
11 months ago, Travis Duley
Yesterday, we kicked off our Girl's Basketball Pop-Up Camp with Coach Taylor Runyan leading the way! Girls from 5th to 11th grade joined in, practicing dribbling, shooting, and running some drills.
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Girl's Pop Up Camp
Congratulations to the Illini Prairie Conference Art Show winners! Curtis Ostendorf 3rd in Pen and Ink. (scratchboard drawing of a raccoon) Lauren Sawyer 3rd in Ceramics. (book themed teapot) Nicole York 2nd in the Ceramics. (bust planter) Way to go!
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Illini Prairie Conference Art Show winners
Illini Prairie Conference Art Show winners
Illini Prairie Conference Art Show winners
Illini Prairie Conference Art Show winners
Illini Prairie Conference Art Show winners
Illini Prairie Conference Art Show winners
Bus routes 3 and 5 will be combined again today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Obviously based on how often this is occurring, we could use an extra driver or two so if you are interested, please contact the PBL bus garage at 217-673-7036.
11 months ago, Travis Duley
After placing First at Regionals and 6th in State, the Math Team celebrated today with a team awards ceremony and pizza party.
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
HS Math Team
Tonight marks the debut of our Musical! Join us in the High School Gym at 7pm for an exciting evening. Don't miss out on this eventful night, and remember, we have more showings scheduled for this weekend.
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Musical Flyer
Please see the link below regarding information received by the high school administration. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qolTkr9vli3mW_yorIdtCYNt22puIMBX/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115703673203306370062&rtpof=true&sd=true
11 months ago, Travis Duley
We are looking to add to our team for the 2024-2025 school year. https://www.pblunit10.com/o/pbl-cusd-10/page/careers-at-pbl
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
PBL Hiring Ad Flyer
Please see the link below regarding a rumor of a threat of violence at the high school. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15TCn83VPvDMvj6mDDXJAZxbNWYL-kwQR/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115703673203306370062&rtpof=true&sd=true
11 months ago, Travis Duley
All of our schools had the opportunity to see our eclipse yesterday. Mrs. Sawyer's enrichment class took a special trip to Paris, Illinois to be in the path of totality. This was an incredible learning opportunity that was a first for a lot of our students!
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Mrs. Sawyer's Enrichment Class
JH Students during Eclipse
JH Students during Eclipse
Mrs. Smith HS Class
JH Students during Eclipse
JH Students during Eclipse
JH Students during Eclipse
Mrs. Flynn & Mr. Rubarts
Mrs. Sawyer's Enrichment Class
Routes 3 and 5 will be combined again this morning. Sorry for any inconvenience.
11 months ago, Travis Duley
Please see the link below regarding additional security procedures that will be in place at the high school as we begin the week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zGyE7GMmu29dsFfpqfW4z3ep0mFigpQm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115703673203306370062&rtpof=true&sd=true
11 months ago, Travis Duley
It's time to roll out the red carpet for our Assistant Principals! It is Assistant Principal Appreciation Week. Let's show our appreciation to our three amazing Assistant Principals who are the unsung heroes of our schools. Thank you for everything you do!
11 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
AP Week
AP Week
AP Week
AP Week
Please see the link below regarding an incident that occurred at the high school this morning. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UV3Hn8s63ii5-DWsAoT4pA9nj9gT7eh2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115703673203306370062&rtpof=true&sd=true
11 months ago, Travis Duley
Today is National School Librarian Day. Make sure we all give them a special thanks for everything they do! Without them we wouldn't have our beautiful libraries or endless recommendations of books.
12 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
National School Librarian Day
Today is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day. Paraprofessionals do a little of everything in our schools. They support classes, are assigned to specific students in special education, help with supporting the general running of the school, and help supervise students.
12 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Parapros Appreciation Day
Bus routes 3 and 5 will be combined again this morning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
12 months ago, Travis Duley