Bus routes three and five will be combined again this morning. Due to this pick up times could be slightly different. Sorry for the inconvenience.
12 months ago, Travis Duley
Bus routes 3 and 5 will be combined this morning. Due to this pick up times may be slightly different than usual.
12 months ago, Travis Duley
We are looking to add to our team for the 2024-2025 school year. https://www.pblunit10.com/o/pbl-cusd-10/page/careers-at-pbl
12 months ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Hiring Ad PBL
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
12 months ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #10
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #9
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #8
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #7
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #6
Our testing starts soon in the High School so make sure all your Chromebooks are charged for it to go smoothly. Students need to bring their school issued Chromebook to be able to test as well.
about 1 year ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Testing Reminder Banner
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #5
School Social Work Week occurs during the first full week of March annually to honor and acknowledge school social workers nationwide for their contributions in supporting students to excel academically. Let's shine a special light on the Social Workers in our schools who are dedicated professionals making a significant difference in our students' lives every day.
about 1 year ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Social Worker Post
Julia Bleich Social Worker
Erin Graham Social Worker
Kris Schuler & Lauryl McKenry Social Worker
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #4
Congratulations to the 8th grade girls volleyball team and Coach Kelli Vaughn who beat Bismarck-Henning in the IESA 3A Regional Championship on Thursday evening! The Panthers will play on Monday, March 11th at Prairie Central Junior High School in Forrest at 6:30 PM against Manteno. Come out and support the Panthers! Also a congratulations to Ellie Dirks for receiving the IESA Sportsmanship Award!
about 1 year ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
8th Grade Volleyball Team Pic
8th Grade Volleyball Team Pic
8th Grade Volleyball Team Pic
8th Grade Volleyball Team Pic
Coach Holding the Win
8th Grade Volleyball Team Pic
On Wednesday the 6th we hosted Margaret Peterson Haddix at our Junior High. This was a thrilling day for all of us. She is an author that has written over 40 books! With her first book being published in 1995. Here are some highlights of her at our school.
about 1 year ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
MPH In front of post in JH
Margaret Peterson Haddix with Student
Margaret Peterson Haddix Posing with books
Margaret PetMargaret Peterson Haddix Presentingerson Haddix
Margaret Peterson Haddix Presenting
Margaret Peterson Haddix Presenting to 7th graders
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #3
Last Saturday Anna Reber, Aiden Lavender, Kameron Kief, Dougie Keever, traveled to Danville High school to participate in the Illinois Music Educators Association Honor Band Performance they rehearsed with students from area schools all morning and performed an afternoon concert.
about 1 year ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
6th Grade students posing for ILMEA pic
Check out today’s fact about the upcoming County Schools Facilities Sales Tax vote.
about 1 year ago, Travis Duley
CSFT Fact #2
Today students and teachers are talking about what it means to be a trusted adult. A trusted adult is a teacher, administrator, school support staff, coach, parent, family member, among others who a child feels comfortable going to when they hear something that doesn't feel right to them. In advisory classes, students will be filling out a card to their trusted adult, thanking them for being someone they feel they can trust to SAY SOMETHING.
about 1 year ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
Say Something Post
The students who went on the PRC trip to Hoopeston for bowling will arrive back at Clara Peterson around 4:00pm. Please arrange for pickup at this time.
about 1 year ago, Melinda Busby
Today the JH Band Small Ensembles performed for the residents at Accolade Nursing Homes on Fulton and Pells. These students performed solos and ensembles that they prepared and performed for judges back in early February. We look forward to performing for the community more soon.
about 1 year ago, Paxton Buckley Loda CUSD 10
JH Ensemble Performance
JH Ensemble Performance
JH Ensemble Performance
JH Ensemble Performance
JH Ensemble Performance
JH Ensemble Performance
JH Ensemble Performance
JH Ensemble Performance