Our 5th grade STEM students are working on a building challenge to start the year. Can you make a car with the fewest pieces possible?
over 1 year ago, Rob Pacey
Lego Cars
Lego Vehicles
Clara Peterson students will be walking to Paxton Lutheran Church during P.E. classes today as part of our ALICE procedures. The church is our designated rallying point in the case of an emergency. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
over 1 year ago, Barry Wright
Clara Peteson students will participate in a fire drill tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. and severe weather drill on Friday at 1:30 p.m. Both drills will be supervised by Clara Peterson staff and should take approximately 10 minutes.
over 1 year ago, Barry Wright
Information for Clara Peterson families...
over 1 year ago, Cherin Whitaker
Mark your calendars! PreK - 5th grade Backpack Night is returning. This is a great opportunity for students/parents to drop off their school supplies, see their classroom & meet their teacher! Flyer attached with all the info, check it out!
over 1 year ago, Cherin Whitaker
Good morning, registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year! Please click the links for more information. Registration Info for Clara Peterson Elementary https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vTY8v_7YLehNNxaVS-89jJ42_Gjd1xyKVwOaETAxLsk/edit?usp=sharing School Supply Link https://docs.google.com/document/d/197G7TaMMt2_CFdmYF0mGdLS7qfhiSYSmPPbre3W31sk/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Cherin Whitaker
Congratulations to Clara Peterson's 4th & 5th graders who made 4th quarter honor roll! Your hard work has paid off and we are proud of your achievements!
over 1 year ago, Cherin Whitaker
Third grade students will return to Clara Peterson from their field trip at approximately 6 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Barry Wright
Fourth grade students will return to Clara Peterson from their field trip at approximately 4:30.
over 1 year ago, Barry Wright
Fifth grade students will return to Clara Peterson around 3:20 from their field trip in Peoria.
over 1 year ago, Barry Wright
Our 3rd graders finished up a plant & pollinators project in STEM today, while our 4th grade made a line follower from scratch. Nice job Panthers!
almost 2 years ago, Rob Pacey
Lego Bee & Flower
Lego Line Follower
The 4th Grade STEM class hopped right into a building challenge today! Our 3rd grade did some egg-cellent work also! Every bunny had fun!
almost 2 years ago, Rob Pacey
Lego Program
Lego Bunny
Lego Group
Lego Egg
PLease click on the link below to see some important events happening at Clara Peterson in April? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TgAwMD_ObAgyFr_84ptouU7eCbw_8pKk7BYXeZTlk30/edit?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Barry Wright
Our 4th grade STEM class hit the links today! They built and tested their own mini golf course designs. Did you know? The land where Clara Pete is now located was once a golf course!
almost 2 years ago, Rob Pacey
Student Golf Design 1
Student Golf Design 2
Course Layout
Golf Scorecard
Fifth grade students who went bowling this afternoon will arrive at Clara Peterson around 4:45 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Barry Wright
Fourth grade students who went bowling this afternoon will arrive back at Clara Peterson around 5:10 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Barry Wright
Third grade students who went bowling this afternoon will arrive back at Clara Peterson around 4:45 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Barry Wright
Please click on the link below to see some important events happening at Clara Peterson Elementary in March. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-i94aQnQyFLaVG2bmsd4VBe7e1GUDfiL9pNHhrLOOwo/edit?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Barry Wright
Clara Peterson students will visit the FFA petting zoo at the high school tomorrow during the school day. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.
almost 2 years ago, Barry Wright
Miss Allen's 4th grade class tested spirographs today. Students had to create a parts list, building steps and program instructions based off a model created by Yoshihito Isogawa. It's a work of art - one piece at a time! Good job Panthers!
almost 2 years ago, Rob Pacey
Lego Spirograph
Lego Program
Building Instructions